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LIVE with Miss Angela & Mis Lindsey

flex Studios is thrilled to share our new schedule as we have made some very important decisions regarding what the next few months will look like. We honor that remote dance education is not anyones ideal way of dancing and preparing for our end year concerts. This is our collective reality. We can, with a positive attitude and committed work ethic, move forward to celebrate our 2019-2020 dance year with success and enthusiasm. With an incredible amount of positive feed back from families juggling very new and challenging schedules, we have come up with the best and most successful option.

Miss Angela and Miss Lindsey will hold a LIVE Q /A on the flex Studios family private Facebook group to answer all additional questions, comments and concerns. You may also email any questions as we are ALWAYS happy to answer them.

LIVE Q/A with Miss Angela & Miss Lindsey
Monday April 20th 7:00pm
On the flex Studios Families Private Facebook Page
*Please note this is our private group page, different from the main studio page.