Dearest flex Studios Families
We hope you are all staying healthy and connected to loved ones through the practice of social distancing. Our program would like to thank you for your patience as we continue to film, edit, and create fun ways of connecting our dancers during this complex time. flex is unbelievably proud of our faculty and flex families for what they contribute to our program, as it makes flex so very special. Please read this email throughly as it contains important information for the upcoming months.
As we are fully aware restrictions are continually evolving, flex Studios is creating multiple plans for re-opening and navigating the ever-changing state wide regulations. The future at flex may look a bit different once classes resume. We will keep our families updated with new polices and procedures to ensure the safety of our studio space, families and faculty.
Below we have provided the information you need to access our online content and specific details for each online platform.
Please note that flex Studios has hosted one week of ZOOM classes. There seemed to be some confusion that ZOOM classes would remain ongoing during the next few months. Please note these were only scheduled for one week to wrap up the last week of April, check in with our student base and revisit choreography in preparation of the final concerts. Feedback was mixed. Some dancers emotionally can not handle additional ZOOM in their schedule or found the experience painful seeing their teachers and friends. Some were looking for the extra help to motivate their dancers and some enjoyed every minute.
With state regulations and our business over head we are in no position to maintain this as a option when not collecting tuition during the months of May and June. For a creative option we will provide optional ZOOM classes of larger numbers in May such as a family dance class options, open contemporary, open modern etc for students interested in participating on this platform. Please reference the events calendar for these options. Look for the giant letter Z for days with ZOOM class options. Families interest in these classer during the month of May must contact us through email to received the links and password to access class.
Website Events Calendar
Please note our Website Events Calendar will be updated every week starting Monday May 11th with details as to when content will be released. This information will provide details such as; dates and times we will go live on Facebook/ZOOM/Instagram, when individual class choreography videos will be sent and additional options like fun classes and flex Studios events.
Friend us on Facebook! We have started a flex Studios Families ONLY private Facebook page for additional access to our online content. This means we need your help by making sure everyone is included. At this time business pages do not have the capability to make private groups, but personal pages do. We are asking that you please make a request to join the flex Studios Families Facebook page.
Don’t forget our Instagram Account!
flex Studios Instagram
Vimeo is a professional video streaming service similar to YouTube. Links have been sent and posted everyday in April and will continue at random during the months of May and June. Each class can access their class choreography, continue training and take fun new classes with featured faculty.
A few tips for Vimeo access
Families do not need a Vimeo account and can access videos online through our direct link sent by email or posted in the flex Studios Families private Facebook group.
Direct links were emailed everyday the month of April as well as posted in the flex Studios Families private Facebook page. Please note these are the only places to access these links. Emails will coincide with these daily posts.
Some videos will be available to the public and some will not. Please note this if you are searching for flex studios directly on the Vimeo website.
Please do not share private links with the public. To ensure quality instruction, the legitimacy of our program and keeping flex alive we kindly request this of all our families.
You may also access Vimeo through Facebook and Google. This option will only allow you to follow our channel and not allow access to private videos. Only our direct links will allow for viewing private content.
May and June tuition will NOT draft
May and June tuition payments will be suspended and will resume July 1st and August 1st. This will ease the financial pressure for our flex families and allow everyone to appropriately prepare to conclude our dance year together. flex Studios is simply swapping our end of year schedule into our summer program months.
We are asking that if a family has the resources and feels inclined to donate their May tuition in support of our efforts to stay in business it would be greatly appreciate at this difficult time. To date as a small woman run business we have not received any form of federal, state or city based assistance. This will make the next 2 months very challenging. We appreciate any consideration.
•May tuition will NOT draft
•Online Content Only
All students participating in August Concert are required to maintain concert choreography through our online platforms. You will have access to everything we have digitally produced online through May and June, with no additional payment necessary, to ensure your dancer keeps practicing.
•June tuition will NOT draft
•Online Content Only
All students participating in August Concert are required to maintain concert choreography through our online platforms. You will have access to everything we have digitally produced online through May and June, with no additional payment necessary, to ensure your dancer keeps practicing. 2019-2020 Class Schedule Resumes Monday, June 22nd.
•2019-2020 Class Schedule Resumes
Monday, June 22nd all normally scheduled classes will re-start! By re-starting classes the last week of June this will cover the days/tuition we lost in march due to closure. We are so looking forward to this day, let the count down begin!
•July tuition will draft on our regular occurring tuition schedule July 1st in lieu of May and June tuition.
•All normally scheduled classes will run the entire month of July in preparation of our year end celebration.
•August tuition will draft in our regular occurring tuition schedule August 1st in lieu of May and June tuition.
•In Studio Rehearsal Week for concert prep at flex Studios
August 3rd - August 9th will change to our In studios rehearsal schedule. Families will be able to reference this schedule on our events page and through email once we get closer to our year end concerts.
•Concert Week at Lane Community College Ragozzino Performance Hall
Monday August 10th - Sunday August 16th. Families will be able to reference this schedule on our events page and through email once we get closer to our year end concerts.
•Concert Dates August 14th, 15th and 16th at Lane Community College Ragozzino Performance Hall
Families will be able to reference this schedule on our events page and through email once we get closer to our year end concerts.
•Studio Picture Week with Jay Eads at flex Studios
August Monday 17th - August Friday 21st
CLI Studios
flex Studios has recently partnered with CLI Studios. CLI Studios is committed to partnering with dance studios to create programs that keep our students inspired throughout the year. This program uses innovative technology bringing our flex Studios dancers unparalleled access to 150+ top choreographers at incredibly affordable prices. This option is to accommodate our dancers attending 3 plus classes at flex, Performance Group members and our Competition Group Dancers. Dancers will be sent a link where they must create a account with CLI Studios. All dancers under the age of 18 must have their parents assist with their log-in account and use their parents birth date. If additional families have interest in this content please contact us directly. All dancers with CLI accounts will have access during both May and June months.
Quarantine Dancer Pictures
In a special piece of flex gear, dressed up wearing dance attire, or a costume send us a picture of your flex dancer! These pictures will be featured on our social media with a personal message about why your dancer is so special to us here at flex. Please sent images to our email,
Guest Choreographers & Special Events
Throughout this unknown time we have had several of our past faculty members reach out in support of the studio. We are so lucky to have a large group of educated faculty members that care about the mental and physical health of our dancers at flex. Many of these teachers have committed to filming class content for us. Keep your eyes peeled for a Rockette Workshop, Senior Prom and the flex Studios Faculty Parade. Stay tuned via Event Calendar on our website as these classes and events will be updated every week.
Let us know if you have any more questions! Your response has been overwhelmingly supportive and heartfelt. We will do everything in our power to keep flex Studios alive and well!
With Love & Solidarity,
Miss Angela, Miss Lindsey and all the flex Studios Faculty