Introducing Back to Balance Camps. Back to Balance is a three-day meditative movement workshop inviting active professionals, and intermediate/advanced dancers ages 10+.
Cost: $99.00
Location: flex Studios
September 22nd-24th
Ages 13+
September 29th-October 1st
Ages 10-12+
Dancer requirements: Dancers attending must bring a journal, water bottle, yoga mat, and snacks.
Camp Description: Camp will include a focus in contemporary modern movement, improvisation, exploring creativity, yoga, meditation and more. Besides our bodies, this workshop focuses heavily on trusting the process, surrendering to serenity and finding your balance. Three topics will be the theme for each day of this camp: releasing, refining and reflecting. We highly recommend this camp for individuals that are trying to get back into their dance bodies and creative minds.
Classes will be taught by flex Studios faculty Alaja Badalich and A.J. Molloy with potential for additional guest faculty. ZOOM option is available upon request. Dancers that are interested in both weeks please contact for more information.
To Register: Please visit out website and click on the website tab “Register”. Camps will be listed once you refresh the page and select the desired camp for your dancer.
Day one: Releasing
Dancers will be lead through a intention-setting process during this first day of Back to Balance camp. Each dancer is unique in their training and abilities. Personal desire and goals within this camp can be very different. Setting an intention allows dancers to walk away feeling inspired and accomplished. Ice breaker energy games and a physical day with big movement will allow dancers to jump in full force. This technique based day will challenge dancers to work it out through movement.
Day one journal entry will ask dancers to let go of what they think they need to be, and open themselves to what they might find. What beliefs can you release about who you are? Dropping ego and releasing judgements without judgement. What does releasing mean to you? What judgements have you released? What have you found? Dancers will have the opportunity to share this process with each other or keep these lessons private.
Day two: Refining
This day will be loaded with floor work and how weight shifts for smooth transitions to the floor. The focus will be about falling and how even when we walk we are falling through gravity. When we fall, how do we recover? Camp will explore how the in-between steps are important in falling and recovering, and be less concerned with the product and more concerned with the process. Process in the happening between the beginning and ending, but trusting the process through momentum is the difference between bracing with tension and hanging with suspension.
Day two journal entry will ask dancers to trust the process. Are you afraid to be wrong? What scares you about the floor? What is trust? As dancers and humans in our current society we have a negative connotation with weight. For dancers, it’s hard to find trust in your weight and the body because the mind is conditioned. Once you find your body awareness it has an unbreakable bond with your movement.
Day three: Reflection
The last day of camp will be connecting each day blending floorwork, physicality and gesture movement, improv, artistic choice, and combining parts of the phrase work learned day one and two. Action and reaction tasks will help form connections without touch in the space. Faculty will guide dancers through this task-based work and improvisation.
Day three journal entry will incorporate looking at your intention(s). Do these match up with what you have learned? How does it differ? What is something you’ve learned that will stick with you? If everything has already been done how can we find something new? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle material. Finding your Balance, “There is nothing to prove but everything to share.”
flex Studios is very excited to offer this uniquely diverse camp and honor this process for each dancer. Please note, there is a limited amount of space available due to COVID requirements and spots will fill quickly. We would also like to extend a huge thank for the fed back regarding availability for our families and dancers in school.
Warm Hugs,
Miss Angela & Miss Lindsey